Vaccination Policies are 'Sickness Policies' not Health Policies
Part 2 Government Crime in Vaccination Policies
“The people will believe what the media tells them they believe” (George Orwell)
Are you aware that approximately 50% of all children in developed countries like Australia, now have a life threatening chronic illness? NO. That’s because the government and media have not reported this fact as they’ve continued to add more vaccines, for diseases that are a low risk to the majority, to the national vaccination program.
Robert Booy and Peter McIntyre from Australia’s National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance Unit (NCIRS) have been making claims about vaccines, based on a lack of science, for decades (1997-2024). Continue reading to find out how.
Reversal of the Principle that Protects Human Health in Government Policy: The Precautionary Principle (PP)
How often, since 2021, have you heard someone say, ‘but you can’t prove your sickness was due to the COVID vaccine?’
In 2021 governments mandated an experimental genetically engineered mRNA product, that they called a ‘COVID vaccine’, in the human population. In doing so, the Australian government claimed it was ‘safe and effective’ and ‘it would prevent COVID disease’, but it was not and it did not.
The ‘vaccine’ was trialled at ‘warp speed’ for approximately two months by the pharmaceutical companies themselves, and they never tested to see if it would prevent any COVID disease. The claims about the product were made without the necessary 10 years of data to prove the drug/vaccine was harmless to humans.
When bodily autonomy is violated by mandatory government policies, then human health can only be protected if these medications, are proven save and effective before they are mandated in the population.
This means the onus of proof of harmlessness for any vaccine must be on the government (the proponents of the medication), not the individual.
When this precautionary principle (PP) is not used in this format in government health policies then human health is not being protected in these policies; governments are protecting the financial interests of big pharma in government ‘health’ policies when this principle is reversed.
That is, the policies become ‘Sickness Policies’ not ‘Health Policies’.
In other words, when vaccines are fast-tracked (‘warp speed’) and put on the market without 7-10 years of proper clinical trials, then this puts the onus of proof of harm from the drug on the individual, instead of the government.
How often, since 2021, have you heard someone say, ‘but you can’t prove it was the COVID vaccine?’
In this situation, when you have an adverse health outcome or die after a ‘vaccine’ (untested drug), days, weeks, months, or years after the injection, you (the individual) cannot prove that it was the vaccine.
And when the corporate-sponsored media, collaborates to present these excess deaths and illnesses since 2021 (after a mass vaccination campaign) as being a result of lifestyle or genetic causes, this adds to the crime. Here are Australia’s statistics on excess deaths after the mass COVID vaccination campaign in 2021. (Here is a published article linking 73.9% of deaths after COVID vaccination to the vaccine) Yet governments are not interested in investigating this link that shows their policies are harming human health?
Genetics is the very reason that exemptions for vaccines were always advised prior to 1990, when all vaccines were voluntary and without financial coercion. This is because it was known that millions of people are pre-disposed to chronic illnesses from their genetic makeup (family heredity).
Prior to the No Jab No Pay/Play policies introduced in 2016, vaccines in Australia were always voluntary with many people known to be contraindicated to these vaccines due to their genetics. The Australian government arbitrarily removed these contraindications to vaccines when it implemented the mandatory and coercive childhood vaccination program for 15 vaccines in 2016.
Mandatory and coercive medical interventions are a crime, but particularly vaccines for healthy people, because vaccines were only available after the risk (deaths and serious illness) to infectious diseases was removed by 1950 in Australia and in all developed countries.
My book Vaccination: Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom documents how consumers have lost their voice in government policies due to political barriers and a media that is controlled by corporate moguls that profit from vaccines.
Vaccination is a ‘Sickness Policy’ not a Health Policy
When the PP is reversed, and drugs are not proven safe before they are marketed, the risks of the drug can far outweigh the benefits, and the exact risks and frequency of adverse events due to government vaccination policies remain hidden. In other words, vaccination programs become an unmonitored experiment on the population.
If this situation exists then you would see a direct correlation between the increase in chronic illnesses in children, with the increased use of vaccines. And there has been for 30 + years in all countries.
However, this correlation can be hidden from the public when the government and media ignore it, i.e. they do not publicise it. A direct dose-response correlation is a necessary precursor for causation according to the Bradford-Hill criteria for causation. Yet the Australian government has been dismissing parents concerns about this association for decades with the mantra that ‘correlation doesn’t equal causation’.
This link can be further hidden by governments that de-fund the safety studies on vaccines. If you don’t look for the cause in properly designed clinical studies then there is no evidence to prove that they are harmful. Hence, the government can claim vaccines to he safe based on a lack of evidence - not on evidence-based medicine.
Robert Booy and Peter McIntyre from Australia’s National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance Unit (NCIRS) have been making these claims about vaccines, based on a lack of science, for decades (1997-2024).
Follow the money to see how governments can hide the science by de-funding an important area of science. Note that governments have comprehensive programs on the surveillance of infectious agents in the population, but no surveillance programs monitoring and publicising the increase in chronic illness in children as these vaccination programs have expanded. Governments do not use health outcomes in children to prove vaccination programs are successful health policies.
The claim that ‘vaccines can prevent infectious diseases’ is created by an illusion. Symptoms of a disease can be re-classified under a different diagnosis, For example, ‘COVID disease’ and ‘influenza’. In addition, surveillance of the disease can be changed to find more or less of the disease when required. Here is my article titled ‘Creating a Global Pandemic’ (2020) that describes how these statistics can be manipulated to create this illusion.
When a government does not do the short or long-term clinical trials that would prove with empirical (observed) evidence that a drug/vaccine is safe or effective, they are breaching their duty of care to the public and making claims without any supporting evidence. This makes government claims about the safety and efficacy of vaccines myths, as they are not founded on evidence-based medicine.
At the same time these injections are being promoted as ‘vaccines’ in ‘health’ policies that are claimed to be ‘in the public’s best interest’ and claimed to be ‘safe and effective’. Yet the opposite of these claims is true. They are creating sickness in the population.
Vaccines are being fast-tracked and put on the market with less than 6 months of trials. Many of these products contain genetically engineered components (e.g. COVID and HPV vaccines) and there is no independent long-term efficacy or safety data available to support the claims being made about these drugs.
Government policy on vaccines is being made with the influence of vaccine manufacturers and this is a threat to human health. Please write to your government to ensure that the IHR amendments are rejected and that governments exit the WHO which has become a corrupted organisation.
My book Vaccination: Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom can be bought from my website Vaccination Decisions.
There are no drugs that enhance the prospect of living a healthier life or a longer life being in good health. We don't really understand diseases and sickness and how to avoid them. Modern medicine needs a constant flurry of diseased patients to survive and thrive (financially) and the mantra is always we need to give you vaccines for life or drugs for life....and never ending tests as you age.
I know several newborns over the last few years and to think they are going to be "needled" into oblivion for NO good and decent reason is abhorring and utterly disgusting. Yet, the parents are still blind to the potential outcomes and blindly trust their doctors, who for the most part are clueless about the drugs they pass out like candy.
That was an excellent dissection of how things have flipped. What a mess, Judy. These people have no conscience and the population has no critical thinking skills, nor any mechanism to truly shut down such things at will.
Interesting your use of the phrase Precautionary Principle. Over the decades we have watched the medical and pharma industry convince people to the point where being precautionary is the go-to mentality. They have been priming us for years.
`Go to the doctor, just in case', `give your child these vaxes, just in case' etc - alongside the push to becoming obsessed with your health through the media. May be why so many willingly bought into the con, while the remainder were coerced?