Just say wrong information or lies. People are sick of the pompous mis and dis information phrasing. Cut it from the vocab of the smart ppl leave it for gov.

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The childhood vaccination program needs mass non compliance. We need ethical doctors and nurses to question the programs currently in place and inform parents of the risks🙏

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TGA are a Paid off Protected Species. Nothing will happen just more Deaths and Adverse Effects. Soulless Conscienceless Scum.

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Very well written article and unfortunately so true,it’s saddening to see that something so obviously at least criminally negligent is never even mentioned in the MSM,neither the ABC,SBS,they all together in this crime 💰💰💰

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Hello Judy and Gaz are you there Elizabeth also ? anyone, everyone, please share this widely >


Anyone / everyone please contact Editor, cairnsnews.org

Also look at latest additional headlines on cairnsnews.org

Please share EVERYWHERE you can >

My facebook page was permanently disabled by facebook and their handlers back in April, 2024 so I lost all my ways of sharing - that worked out perfectly to their plans like they have done for so many people and groups.

Thank you all. Diane

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In spite of this revelation about the TGA, the Eastern states of Australia are now rushing to complete a number of vaccine/RNA manufacturing factories – using mostly public money. Australia is becoming a popular destination for clinical trials because the drug companies don't have to go to the TGA for approval, they go direct to the hospitals and doctors.

RNA can be used for endless products with the potential uses including pesticides, biomanufacturing, biosensors, cosmetics and as tiny scaffolds for assembling complex materials.

Much of the anticipated industry growth is coming from medical trials in Australia. The Sydney mRNA factory has gone up in record time. The $2 billion Moderna factory in Melbourne, now operational, has also been built extremely fast.

Read the whole article by Alison Bevege: https://lettersfromaustralia.substack.com/p/sydney-rna-factory-nearly-finished

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Great work Judy ... current on going updates on the McCann case are very much appreciated

Thank you

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Well covered Judy, thankyou! for all the years of hard yards. 'Truth cannot be quarantined'...to deny it is to deny oneself.

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・Budget subsidies from pharmaceuticals ・Percentage of personal conflicts of interest among Cov19 vaccine approval members

FDA_USA 65% 10%

PMDA_JP 85% 75% (25% not disclosed)

TGA_Australia 95% 50%

EMA_EU 89% 3%

MHRA_UK 86% 32%

In Japan, for example

Former PMDA (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) Chairman Tatsuya Kondo was appointed to the Pfizer Health Research Foundation on September 26, 2021.

(In return for the approval of BNT162b2 ?)

Current PMDA Director Fujiwara received research funding from Gates while in the US.

Japan's PMDA also includes former Pfizer executive Noboru Sakamoto.

There are probably complex human relationships like this in the FDA-equivalent organizations of each country.

All countries' drug approval agencies are in a state of conflict of interest and have become pawns of the pharmaceutical industry! ! !

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Thank you Judy, most appreciate your intelligent information.

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These fools don't get it, by denying accountability puts them further & further on the road to nowhere. Many more waking up( about bloody time) to this farce & the TGA/ Governments obtusiveness is only making us angrier. Gloves off, game on, or we're done.

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"These fools don't get it, by denying accountability puts them further & further on the road to nowhere."

Are they "on the road to nowhere."? Or digging their own deep grave?

No, we are Not Getting Angrier; No Bustidios Pushes Our Buttons, We have in Total Control of Ourselves. We are Totally Bemused by These Treasonist Quasi Health Drips Under Pressure. Do you think their Puppet Masters will aid their rescue?

We need to assist These Narcissistic Sycopaths to Keep Digging; offering crowbars, mattocks, posthole shovels, electric jack hammers (solar driven of cause, net zero is their game) and possibly offer the Snowy Scheme 2. Bore Drilling Plant to make Life Easy. Oh Buggar, the Snowy Scheme 2. Bore Drilling Plant is Still Stuck! Oh well back to the grind using their own labour to dig their own grave.

So Sad too Bad. They Are Required to Reap What They Sowed.

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Thank you Judy for all the effort and time you have dedicated to this vitality important work. I think everyone should understand that the WHO removed Death by Immunisation/Vaccination from the International Coroner’s Code to protect the manufacturers from liability. Effectively hiding very important data.

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Just shared to local members Lisa Mundy and Andrew Hastie.

Thank you for this work Judy.

If true, I hope we have such a frightening conflict of interest corrected quick smart!

The Health of every one of us depends on this.

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It is deeply concerning and profoundly disheartening to learn of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)'s admission that it does not consider itself to have a duty of care toward the Australian public in regulating vaccines. This revelation points to a severe conflict of interest for an agency that is 96% industry-funded while masquerading as a government body responsible for public health. One cannot help but feel a profound sense of shock and dismay that the very entity tasked with ensuring drug safety and efficacy appears to prioritize vested interests in government health policies over the well-being of the people.

Dr. Melissa McCann's efforts to shed light on vaccine-related injuries and excess deaths are commendable, as they address the critical need for transparency and accountability. The reported injuries, disabilities, and lack of proper acknowledgment by the government and TGA only underscore the importance of pursuing justice through initiatives like her class action lawsuit.

Equally alarming is the TGA's passive surveillance system for adverse vaccine events, which seems wholly inadequate for determining causation or assessing long-term health impacts. When juxtaposed with their active monitoring of infectious agents, even in asymptomatic individuals, this lack of vigilance on vaccine outcomes raises serious questions about priorities and integrity.

This situation demands an urgent, independent investigation into the TGA's role, funding structure, and regulatory practices. Australians deserve a public health system rooted in the public good, one that values independent science and acts decisively to protect the nation's health without corporate influence.

Kudos to you Dr. Judy Wilyman and other voices, for relentlessly pursuing the truth and exposing these troubling realities. It is vital that these revelations reach every corner of the public sphere so that Australians can demand accountability, fairness, and health policies that truly serve their interests.

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Could not agree more about investigating the true role of the TGA and making it very clear to the public. Makes it sound hollow to say ‘this is approved by the TGA’.

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Corporations masked as government bodies - hence no responsibility for people’s health because profit is their purpose.

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Yes the Corporation of Australian owes its allegiance to its Overseas Shareholders. The people of Australia are not even a Blip on their Radar.

When will more people Wake up to the Fact that they have been Conned ?? Some NEVER.

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Maybe when we can track who receives the public money. Which individuals receive our cash.

No longer hidden behind shell companies. The shell game is finishing.

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Spot On Jane 333, 💯 percent.

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